Category Archives: Affordable Care Act

The “Metal” Plans – General Info

There are four health care plan categories: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum (dubbed “the metal plans).

The different levels are intended to meet various health and financial needs, and are based on the percentage that each plan pays towards health care services. The plan levels also indicate the percentage you will pay towards the health care you receive. Your portion of these costs is in the form of:

  • Deductibles – the amount you owe for covered services before insurance kicks in;
  • Copayments – a fixed amount you pay for a covered health care service; and
  • Coinsurance – your share of the costs of a covered health care service.

This chart shows how much the different plans will pay of your health care costs (coinsurance), not including premiums, co-pays or deductibles:

Plan Level What the Plan Spends What you Spend
Bronze 60% 40%
Silver 70% 30%
Gold 80% 20%
Platinum 90% 10%
The lower the amount of coverage, the lower the premium you must pay to maintain coverage. Bronze level plans have the lowest premiums, but also the lowest level of coverage. As the plan levels increase (from Bronze to Silver to Platinum), your monthly premium increases but so does the level of coverage. For example, you will pay a higher premium for a Platinum plan but you will pay less for each doctor visit, prescription, or health care service that you use.
The amount of subsidy you might receive, if eligible, is based on the Silver Plan.  More to come on the subsidies in a future post!

Confused About Health Insurance?

Is everybody thoroughly confused by the ObamaCare, I mean, Affordable Care Act, I mean, U.S. Health Care Reform Act, yet?!  As an educated and licensed insurance agent, I can tell you that its muddy waters to me!  I shudder to think what the non-insurance industry person must be experiencing!  According to the insurance company rep I spoke with today, Texas doesn’t even have their “Metal Plans” in place yet, which means you can’t sign up for anything.  Lovely.  

  • Must sign up for plan
  • Penalized if you don’t sign up for plan
  • Plans not yet available
  • CAN’T sign up for plan!

That’s our government and tax dollars hard at work for you.

DISCLAIMER:  Walker Insurance Services does not endorse Dr. Beller or any other political candidate.  However, we wholeheartedly believe that “laughter is good medicine”, and this video is just plain funny!